Carman Magic has the following features:
ⶠDiagnoses Korean and Indian vehicles.
â Support CAN, SAE-J1850, ISO9141-2/KWP2000, J1587
â¶Supports vehicle troubleshootingand current data search.
â You can diagnose vehicles with their sensors and switches,and save and reload the current data.
ⶠSupports automatic actuator inspection.
â This function runs/stops the actuator and switchesforcibly in order to check if the corresponding active device is normal.
ⶠYou can use saved data and upgrade thediagnosis program by connecting the product to your PC with wire or wireless.
â¶You can change the sound effects anddisplay unit of the Carman Magic.
ⶠYou can check the latest data and updateit automatically.
ⶠSupport Log Data function to save / sendthe data in the case of communication error so that fast customer support andnewest communication is available.
ⶠSupport remote assistance for usageof product by connecting PC and scanner with USB connector.Carman Magic has the following features:
ⶠDiagnoses Korean and Indian vehicles.
â Support CAN, SAE-J1850, ISO9141-2/KWP2000, J1587
â¶Supports vehicle troubleshootingand current data search.
â You can diagnose vehicles with their sensors and switches,and save and reload the current data.
ⶠSupports automatic actuator inspection.
â This function runs/stops the actuator and switchesforcibly in order to check if the corresponding active device is normal.
ⶠYou can use saved data and upgrade thediagnosis program by connecting the product to your PC with wire or wireless.
â¶You can change the sound effects anddisplay unit of the Carman Magic.
ⶠYou can check the latest data and updateit automatically.
ⶠSupport Log Data function to save / sendthe data in the case of communication error so that fast customer support andnewest communication is available.
ⶠSupport remote assistance for usageof product by connecting PC and scanner with USB connector.